A classroom curriculum for teachers and students
Meet The Teachers
A team of dedicated teachers participate in the Panama Experience each year.
Read their biographies below.
Sarah Oszuscik
Sarah has served as the lead teacher for the Panama Research Experience Teacher program since its inception in 2010. She taught for 18 years at La Escuela Fratney, a dual language Milwaukee public elementary school. Sarah currently teaches 7th and 8th grade at Maryland Avenue Montessori - another school in the MPS system. She holds a Masters of Science Education from Alverno College in Milwaukee. She is especially interested in connecting students with current research, providing an environment for student-led inquiry in the classroom, developing integrated STEM projects and helping teachers feel more confident in teaching science. As the lead-teacher of the Panama Experience program, Sarah's goals have included forming a network of science educators and developing lasting connections between current cutting-edge researchers, MPS teachers and students.
Kimberly Williams
Kim taught elementary school for Milwaukee Public Schools.
Sara Wroblewski
Sara has more than 5 years of experience as a Milwaukee Public School teacher. She has taught nearly every academic subject, and she now teaches science and technology in a middle school setting. She is currently enrolled in a program called Project BEST (Better Elementary Science Teaching) at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee and working toward obtaining a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on Science. Ms. Wroblewski is also a cooperating teacher for prospective science teachers in the MACSTEP program at UW-Milwaukee.
Armando Dominguez
Armando is a Project Lead The Way Master teacher at Vieau School in Milwaukee
Veronica Ocampo
Veronica has been a bilingual teacher at Milwaukee Public Schools since 2003. She graduated from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and earned her master’s degree in international education at Framingham State University in Massachusetts. Her interest in raising students’ math performance led her to obtain her Mathematics Middle School Certification from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is Greenfield School’s implementer of the Texas Instruments Math Forward Program, and the Sketchpad Curriculum for Algebra and Geometry. She is currently doing graduate work at UW-Milwaukee to obtain her PhD in mathematics education. The beauty of Wisconsin’s forests has become her inspiration to create outdoor classrooms for her students, making nature, mathematics, poetry and the arts an essential part of her students’ life.
Daniel Graves
Dan Graves has been teaching since 2003 in many capacities including Spanish language teacher at the high school level, environmental educator at the Urban Ecology Center, & a dual language teacher at the elementary level. He currently teaches 7th and 8th grade at Maryland Avenue Montessori School. In the school environment, he seeks to develop units of study that integrate science, mathematics, and the outdoors seamlessly. Areas of special interest at schools are gardening, restoration of native habitat, and hands-on projects designed to meet the social and academic needs of adolescents.
Alissa Gonyea
Alissa is a Primary Guide at Maryland Avenue Montessori.
Sue Pezanoski Browne
Sue has been teaching art for the Milwaukee Public Schools at the elementary and middle school level since 1997. In addition to immersing her students in creative media exploration, she emphasizes community outreach and using the visual arts to enrich learning in literacy, science, and other content areas. Prior to teaching for the public schools, Sue spent ten years working in museum education, connecting the study of art history to studio experiences for both children and adults. She also coordinated outreach programming for underserved urban communities. Sue holds degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in Philosophy, Art History, and earned an Art Education K-12 Certification. Her graduate work in the Arts focused on Place-Based Education, a curricular model which is closely aligned to Environmental Education.
Michele Hilbert
Michele is a dedicated Educator and Organizer who has taught at the elementary school level for Milwaukee Public Schools since 2003. Her passions include social justice issues and the climate change crisis.
Kate Glodoski
Kate taught middle school at Parkside School of the Arts for several years before returning to her passion, technical theater and woodworking. Kate is a talented integrated thematic unit developer.
Angela (Rich) Veternick
Angela is a National Board Certified Teacher and has worked in Milwaukee Public Schools since 2003. She was an Agro-forestry technician for the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic before starting her bilingual teaching career.
Jennifer Engel
Jennifer has been a bilingual middle school teacher in MPS since 1998. She has worked at Longfellow Middle School, La Escuela Fratney, and Lincoln Middle School for the Arts. Jennifer taught all core subjects, but her favorite subject is Social Studies. She received her Bachelor's degree from Marquette University in education and communication studies and her Master's degree from Carroll College in curriculum and instruction and literacy.
Sue Pezanoski Browne
Sue has been teaching art for the Milwaukee Public Schools at the elementary and middle school level since 1997. She immerses her students in creative media exploration while emphasizing community outreach using the visual arts to enrich learning in literacy, science, and other content areas. Prior to teaching for the public schools, Sue spent ten years working in museum education, connecting the study of art history to studio experiences for both children and adults. She also coordinated outreach programming for underserved urban communities. Sue holds degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in Philosophy, Art History, and earned an Art Education K-12 Certification. Her graduate work in the Arts focused on Place-Based Education, a curricular model which is closely aligned to Environmental Education.
Dana Thome
Dana taught in the Milwaukee Public Schools for 20 years. She is a certified bilingual teacher with experience in multiple specialized settings, including Dual Immersion Spanish, and Spanish Immersion. Her Master’s Degree is in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Mathematics Education from UW-Milwaukee. She participated in the first year of the Panama Research Experience for Teachers in 2010. Since then, she has found a variety of ways to incorporate her experience into learning opportunities for her students. Dana is an avid traveler. To date, her favorite destinations include Morocco, Cuba and Finland. She is currently teaching first grade at Rawson Elementary School in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Annie Mansfield
Annie has dedicated over 20 years to teaching bilingual students in MPS. She has worked at the elementary and middle school level and is also certified in special education.
Marcel Piatek
Marcel has more than 10 years teaching Special Education in Milwaukee Public Schools. Marcel received her post- baccalaureate certification in Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities and Specific Learning Disabilities in 2003 from UW-Milwaukee. She is currently interested in supporting students with special needs in the mainstream science, social studies, and history classrooms. She creates opportunities for her students through use graphic organizers, reinforcing vocabulary acquisition and modifying or creating alternative assessments to measure knowledge and skills.
Darcia Ziebert
Darcia is an Upper Elementary Guide at Maryland Avenue Montessori.
Sara Feider
Sara Feider has been teaching in MPS since 1998. She teaches middle school science and 6th grade reading, social studies, and music at Tippecanoe School for the Arts and Humanities. She spent two summers teaching overseas and, in 1999, was an assistant teacher in Year 4 (3rd Grade) in London, England and, in 2001, was an assistant teacher in Year 6 (5th Grade) in Brisbane, Australia. She earned two B.A.s from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota where she majored in Elementary Education and History. Having an interest in art, she earned an M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction with an Emphasis on the Arts from Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.